Dictionnaire de rêves

Interprétation du rêve
dense foliage

Signification positive

Dense foliage in a dream can symbolize growth and development in your life. It may suggest that you are on the right path to achieving your goals and that you are doing well in creating healthy relationships and environments. This dream can also be a sign of abundance and fertility coming into your life.

Signification négative

A dream about dense foliage can also indicate feelings of being overwhelmed or lost in chaos. It may reflect your fear that things are getting out of control, or that you feel oppressed by problematic situations surrounding you. This dream can express fear that you cannot push through obstacles in your life.

Signification neutre

Dense foliage in a dream can represent various aspects of your subconscious. It may symbolize the complexities and multi-layered nature of your thoughts and feelings, without expressing a specific positive or negative sentiment. This dream may lead you to reflect on your personal situation and seek inner peace.

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Conseils de recherche

  • Utilisez le mot qui décrit le mieux votre rêve.
  • Saisissez toujours au moins 3 caractères.
  • Vous pouvez taper votre terme de recherche sans ponctuation.
  • La recherche fonctionne également pour une partie d’un mot (si elle contient au moins 3 caractères).

Rêves par ordre alphabétique

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